Stock market trading

Stock market trading

Name: Male

Question: Is investment in share market (stocks, shares, mutual funds) good for me? Will I earn profit from that? If so, which is the favorable period for     investing?

Date of birth: 30-10-1987, Friday; Time of birth: 16.52.00 PM IST

Place of birth: Madikeri- Karnataka; Lon/Lat: 12° N 25′, 75° E 45′.

Aynamsha: 230.35’.49”; Dasa days: 365.25



If the cuspal sub lord of the 5th be the significator of 2 (Money)-5 (Speculation), 6-11 (Gain) and not connected with 8-12 (Loss) during the joint period of the significators of 2-5-6-11.


Cuspal sub lord

Cusp 5th (Cancer 170.06’.53”): The sub lord of the 5th cusp is Mercury.  Mercury is in the star and sub of Rahu. Mercury is occupant of 7 and owner of 4-7. Star and sub lord Rahu is occupant of 12. Rahu Conjoined with Jupiter.   Jupiter is occupant of 1 and owner of 1-10. 5th sub lord Mercury signifies 7-4-12-1-10.


My opinion: Because 5th sub lord signifies 12, earning from speculation is not good for you.


Actual outcome: Prediction proved right.




One thought on “Stock market trading

  1. Awesome sir

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