US President election 2024

US President election 2024

Note: This article was published in the KPEzine September 2024 issue.


Question: Will Kamala Harris win Presidential election on 05-11-2020?

Number: 16 (out of 249)

Date of Judgment: 13-08-2024, Tuesday; Time of Judgment: 10:12:04 AM; IST

Place of Judgment: Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00′ 45”, 72° E 36’ 01”

Aynamsha: 240.06′.38″ Dasa day: 365.25




as per above poll Kamala Harris is ahead of Donald trump.



If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the joint period of the significators of      3-10-11, then success is assured.


Cuspal Sub lord for Kamala Harris

10th Cusp (Capricorn 090.49’.05”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of own and sub of Sun. Venus is occupant of 5 owner of 2-7.  Star lord is also Venus. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 4, owner of 5. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus signifies 5-2-7-4. Hence, the winning in election is not sure.


Cuspal Sub lord for Donald Trump

10th Cusp (Cancer 090.49’.05”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of own and sub of Sun. Venus is occupant of 11 owner of 1-8.  Star lord is also Venus. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 10, owner of 11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus signifies 11-8-1-10. Hence, the winning in election is sure.


My opinion: Even opinion poll show Kamala is much ahead of Donald Trump, but as per this horary Kamala will lost this election.


Outcome: Donald Trump won this election.

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5 thoughts on “US President election 2024

  1. Great prediction and analysis from Kanak sir


    G H W Silva

  3. Alexander Myint

    24/12/2024 at 10:53 am

    Heads off to you, Sir.

  4. Harisinh dodiya

    31/12/2024 at 6:19 pm

    ખુબ ખુબ અભિનંદન સાહેબ જી, આપે અભિનવ બૂક લખી એ j types બીજી બૂક ગુજરાતી મા આપો

  5. Expertise in prediction

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